
“A Charlotte County family is speaking out, for help in filing a complaint with the US Department of Justice.

The family says they have seen a shift in their daughter’s self-esteem since the alleged racial attacks started happening at school.

“I just kinda went to the corner, I put my hands up and I just sat there and took it,” Clay said, referring to a time when her volleyball teammates were on video allegedly saying she didn’t pick her cotton today and hit her with pillows.

The Clay family says when they reached out to Amanda Sanford, Principal of Babcock High School, Sanford said in an email, that the video was “Determined to not be racially discriminatory.”

Fox 4 reached out to the school and received this response from Shannon Treece, Executive Director of Babcock Schools:” – Fox4 | Posted by Thrillz

Via TT/@theabbynicole | Posted by JR
Backstory: Tyrese was with his construction team and he decided to go to his car because he noticed he was getting attention so he gave his card to his team to finish the transaction. After he left , the employee refused to service his team because they stated they need his ID to handle the transaction. He FaceTimed them so they could see him and give authorization. They still refused stating ?store policy?. He then decides to come back in so he can provide in person authorization and they still refused service stating ?store policy?. He?s been going to this location for 10 years and he gives his team his card and this is the first time they refused service. Posted by JR
Posted By Ghost

Dermot Kennedy has apologised to the Irish Traveller community after using a racial slur in an interview earlier this month. READ MORE: Friends Like These: Bugzy Malone and Dermot Kennedy The singer shared an Instagram story to apologise for the use of the term “knacker” in an interview with the Canadian music channel Much on June […]

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