
“A popular cosplayer named Vincent Plicchi, who goes by “Inquisitor Ghost,” is believed to have committed suicide during a TikTok live, and his viewers are now demanding justice.

Inquisitor Ghost (@Inquisitore3 on TikTok), whose real name is Vincent Plicchi, was an Italian Call of Duty cosplayer on social media. He amassed over 100,000 followers on the video-sharing app and frequently uploaded content of himself dressed as the video game character Simon “Ghost” Riley. His account is now banned from the platform. On October 9, Inquisitor went on TikTok live. The people who joined in the middle of the livestream only saw a dark, empty room at night. The chat was turned off, so his audience was unable to comment. Suddenly, his windows were smashed
and someone appeared to perform CPR on Inquisitor as another unknown individual was on the phone. A voice was heard demanding in Italian to “call someone” for help, according to Sportskeeda. Another said, “he was hanged there,” and asked, “Where the f*ck are they . Social media users speculate that the cosplayer killed himself on TikTok live, and his death was reportedly confirmed by a friend. A woman who appeared to be romantically involved with Inquisitor posted photos of herself with the cosplayer, and her caption also suggests that he passed away. “Now your anxiety is gone, you are in a quiet place…” she wrote. “I am grateful that you have finally found peace. I love you… p.s. your Padme.” – Eviemagazine | Posted by Thrillz

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