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They tried to take him down but he was out of there. Posted By Persist
On October 18, 2022, Chamblee police officers responded to a call from Landmark Atlanta dealership regarding a suspicious couple attempting to purchase a vehicle using fraudulent identification.
Upon arrival, the officers approached the couple and requested their identification. However, both individuals claimed that they did not possess any identification documents. Additionally, they insisted that they had only met each other the day before and denied any knowledge of the fraudulent activity.
Recognizing the seriousness of the situation, the officers detained the couple and proceeded to handcuff them for further investigation. In the process of searching the female suspect’s bag, the officers made a startling discovery – multiple counterfeit IDs concealed within the bag.
As the investigation continued, the male suspect revealed that the Mercedes they had arrived in actually belonged to the female suspect. This revelation raised further suspicions among the officers. A thorough search of the vehicle ensued, leading to the discovery of additional fake IDs and social security cards.
Realizing the gravity of their actions, both individuals were placed under arrest and transported to DeKalb County jail. They now face charges of identity fraud, possession of forged identification documents, and other related offenses.
Posted by CZ
San Antonio Police Officers Shoot Woman. Posted By Persist
? Police intervened in the 9th Trans Pride March on 19 June in Istanbul, resulting in at least eight individuals being taken into custody. After a six-year hiatus, the Trans Pride March resumed only to be met with a police blockade in Taksim, causing disruptions in the subway system. Posted By Persist
– Police intervened in the 9th Trans Pride March on 19 June in Istanbul, resulting in at least eight individuals being taken into custody. After a six-year hiatus, the Trans Pride March resumed only to be met with a police blockade in Taksim, causing disruptions in the subway system. Posted By Persist

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