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A Brazilian band?s plane ride turned catastrophic after the door burst open midflight, forcing the aircraft to make an emergency landing.

The near-calamity occurred last week just 30 minutes after the plane departed from SaoLuis en route to Salvador city, according to local outlet O Informante.

The medium-bodied jet was transporting the band of Brazilian singer-songwriter Tierry after the group had performed ?a show attended by thousands of people.?

Tierry, the frontman, was not on board as he had departed on a different flight ahead of his bandmates.

Disaster struck after the fuselage opened up while the plane was in the air.

In the frightening footage, Tierry?s bandmates ? who sat remarkably calm during the whole ordeal ? can be seen in the cabin with the door wide open.

Faced with the potential disaster, the pilot decided to turn the flight around and make an emergency landing back at Hugo da Cunha Machado airport in Sao Luis.

Shortly after arrival, medics came aboard and checked on the passengers, who thankfully didn?t suffer any injuries during the inadvertent open-air flight. Posted By Ghost

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