
Page: 2

Posted by Thrillz
Posted by Abdul
Posted By Ghost
Via @wayupwithyee
Posted by CZ
The footage, which has gone viral, showed the child being kicked, slapped and hit with blunt objects repeatedly while eating” – little more context, was brutal and not the only time. Child was coming home routinely with bruises and when questioned about it the center feigned ignorance and blamed other children. Finally this is after they demanded to see the cctv footage. Every employee there needs the bop to the nose he dealt out. Posted By Ghost
Posted by Thrillz
A man is wanted in San Luis Potos?, Mexico after he attacked a subway worker. The worker who was a minor was treated for fractures in his nose and inflammation in his brain. Posted by Abdul
Posted By Ghost
via @TMZ: Cops in Florida are on the hunt for a man who was caught on camera beating the daylights out of a 63-year-old man … allegedly because he was asked to switch seats. Broward County Sheriff’s Office just released video of the brutal incident, which went down earlier this month in a Pompano Beach AMC movie theater. You see the suspect violently shove the elderly man up against a railing, then land several blows to his head. According to cops, the victim said he bought VIP tickets, which means he picked assigned seats for his wife and himself — but when he got inside, he saw the suspect and a woman in his seats, so he asked them to move. Cops say the suspect quickly became angry and hostile, getting in the man’s face — which is where the video begins. The man and woman in question fled the theater right after the attack … but surveillance cameras captured pretty clear shots of their faces in the lobby. The victim was taken to a hospital with several injuries, and cops want anyone with info on the suspects to contact the Broward County Sheriff.
Posted by CZ
Posted By Ghost

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